
Grouperfish consists of three independently functioning components.

The REST Service

Consumers of Grouperfish interact exclusively with this service. It exposes a RESTful API to insert documents and query results. There are APIs for configuring which sets of documents to process (using queries) and what to do with them (using transforms).

For example, you may want to create a query for all documents from January and transform this set by clustering them together.


So that multiple users (of a single Grouperfish cluster) can each work with their own set of documents and transforms, without affecting one another, the concept of namespaces is used throughout all parts of Grouperfish. Namespaces are similar to databases in MySQL or indexes in ElasticSearch.


Incoming documents might require post-processing to make them usable in transforms. For example, you may want to do language detection so that you can cluster documents in the same language together.


The storage system stores that is inserted into Grouperfish and makes it available for retrieval. Under the hood, the Bagheera component is used to manage storage, indexing and caching.

The Batch System

The processing of document is kicked off by POST-ing to a special REST URL (e.g. triggered by cron or a client system). This triggers a batch run. But how does the batch system know which documents to process, and what transforms to apply?


Queries help the batch system determine which documents to process. In Grouperfish, a query is represented as a JSON-document that conforms to the ElasticSearch Query DSL. Internally, all stored documents are indexed by ElasticSearch, and each query is actually processed only by ElasticSearch itself (and not by Grouperfish).


Transforms are programs that operate on a set of documents to generate a result such as clusters, trends, statistics and so on. They can be implemented in arbitrary technologies and programming languages, e.g. using the hadoop Map/Reduce, as long as they can be setup and executed on a Unix-like platform.

Other than the batch system and the REST service, transforms are not aware of things such as queries or namespaces. They act only based on data that is immediately presented to them by the system.

See also


The Batch Process

When the batch process is triggered for a namespace:

  • The batch system retrieves all queries and all transform configurations that are defined within the namespace.

  • The system uses the first query to get all matching documents from ElasticSearch.

    It exports this first set of documents to a file system, as input to the transform. Transforms run either

    • locally, working in a directory on a locally mounted file system

    • or distributed, that is, managed by Hadoop

      Such transforms are working in an HDFS directory.

  • The system also puts the transform parameters (from the transform’s configuration) into a place where the transform can use them.

  • Finally, the transform is launched and receives the location of the source documents and of the configuration as a parameter.

    If such a batch run succeeds, the generated result is put into storage.

  • These steps are repeated for all other combinations of query and transform configuration.